
Familiarizing yourself with App State’s color-coded bins is one way to live greener in Boone, as outlined in the GreenLiving Guide.
GreenSuite is a collection of programs designed to engage the campus community in efforts to incorporate more sustainable practices into their workplace and personal lives. These are meant to offer behavioral and operational solutions in support of climate action and climate justice.
Campus stakeholders are encouraged to collaborate with the Office of Sustainability to take part in the various programs in order to meet campus sustainability and climate action goals. Students are encouraged to reference the GreenLiving Guide and certify their residence hall rooms through GreenAppal, gaining recognition for their efforts. Faculty and Staff can engage by participating in the GreenWorkplace certification and using some of the suggestions in the GreenPurchasing guidelines.
GreenSuite Programs
The GreenAppal program is a partnership between the Office of Sustainability and University Housing. Students voluntarily participate to show their commitment to sustainability.
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Hosting a green event is a way to minimize your impact while educating and leading by example. Please use the checklist for green event planning and/or collaborate with the Office of Sustainability to make a sustainable event plan.
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Through management training and collaboration, campus labs will work toward sustainable purchasing practices, sharing resources, energy and water conservation, and waste reduction efforts. These guidelines have been designed to reduce the carbon footprint and unnecessary waste of campus labs.
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The daily choices you make matter. From personal wellness to citizenship, water savings to energy usage, your choices help build a green community 20,000 strong. Appalachian State University has a major impact on our environment, our local economy, and the health of our community.
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The goal of the green purchasing guide is to increase and streamline procurement of environmentally preferred and socially responsible products, specifically office supplies, within the university’s departments and offices.
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App State’s transportation-related activities are the third-largest contributor to the school’s greenhouse gas emissions. This document outlines ways to reduce the carbon footprint associated with your university-related travel.
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This certification recognizes campus work spaces that have taken extra steps to ensure they are contributing to the sustainability goals of App State by greening their space, and lowering their daily impact. Certification is voluntary and contingent on completing all prerequisites and filling out the form.
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