University Sustainability

Defining Sustainability since 1899

Zero Waste Teach-in and Earth Day Parade

Thursday, April 26, 2018 / 9:00am
Reich College of Education Rotunda

On April 26th, beginning at 9am, the Reich College of Education will be hosting a teach-in located in the RCOE rotunda, to raise awareness surrounding the Zero Waste initiative in the college and across campus. We will be creating arts and crafts from recycled materials and discussing ways that we can limit our impact upon the environment.

The teach-in will also include an Earth Week Celebration Parade, complete with a “Trash Dragon”. The parade will begin at 1pm at the RCOE building and will travel to Sanford Mall for the culminating event of a drum circle for eco-justice.

Contact: Mel Falck (
Sponsor: RCOE and Office of Sustainability