University Sustainability

Defining Sustainability since 1899

Spring Creek Clean-up

Thursday, March 29, 2018 / 3:30 - 5:00pm
Appalachian Mountain Brewery (163 Boone Creek Dr.)

At the end of March, ASU students, staff and faculty will push up their sleeves and get their feet wet cleaning up creeks in our community. Thanks to an outpouring of volunteers in past semesters, we have been able to expand our scope to include not just our adopted segment of Boone Creek, but also a segment of Hodges Creek, Winkler's Creek, and an additional segment of Boone Creek.

Let's keep up the great work! We need volunteers for our spring creek clean-up on March 22nd. Volunteers will receive a 10% discount on purchases at Appalachian Mountain Brewery (beverages and food truck) for the rest of the night. I can't wait to see this year's turnout and to see all the great work we can do in our community creeks!

Sponsor: Blue Ridge Conservancy Student Chapter President & Office of Sustainability
Contact email: Office of Sustainability ([email protected])